Hari chandana chilukuri

Hari Chandana a Sweet girl. She just involved in Ecell for the last couple of weeks, but she has shown all her skillset and started working for her dreams. She is completely involved in “industrial symbiosis for circular economy” and making everyone to be active in the Team. She writes very brief updates everyday. Hari has participated in “Thop Ideathon 2021” and a part of Team TRAASH. She has enthusiastically followed all the team meetings. Hari Chandana expressed her feeling of fear that she couldn’t talk in front of many people. On the day of the “Thop Ideathon” of team Traash, she has overthrown her fear and presented perfectly. Later, she has become a Host for the “Thoptalk” of “Dileep Tatte” sir. Wow, I was amazed by seeing her exponential growth. Apart from all those, she respects everyone and a beautiful kind-hearted girl.


She loves to interact with people. She has choosen to and joined in organizing committee

Industrial symbiosis for circular economy

She regularly participates in Team meeting and writes super updates


Certified in “Thop Ideathon” as a part of Team TRAASH


She has overthrown her fear and gave a fantastic presentation on “THOP IDEATION 2021”  as part of TRAASH. She got a chance to host for “ThopTalk” with “DILEEP THATTE,” sir. She has got many appreciations from many people


She is an active girl. She does work with integrity and dedication.


Hari Chandana is a super smart girl. She is actively performing in all tasks. After all, she respects everyone and speaks from the heart


She is expressive and effusive in conveying her thoughts and feelings. She does work with integrity and dedication. She also has the ability to talk and can host big meetings. She can learn things very fast and as well as effectively.