WelcomE to Deepthi's Verse...

Let's Dive into my world

I am Deepthi Chittalury

Fondly known as Deepu. I’m a thought leader at Thop Verse, a curious Chemical Engineer who completed her bachelor’s at Osmania University, India and a passionate artist. I’m an all-rounder who has been excelling in academics, technical projects, team building and presentations. I’m working on a patent project called Terrabatt.

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Revolutionary projects
I am part of...

Terrabatt: The Patented Project

Terrabatt, led by Anoop Mathur and Dr. Ramakanth, is revolutionizing the future of energy systems
through the development of a Thermal Battery. By focusing on harnessing renewable energy and employing
Chemical Engineering principles, Terrabatt aims to store and utilize renewable energy efficiently.
I got the opportunity to be part of this project when I was in the first year of my bachelors.
Our team is soon launching an India-based company to further advance our mission.

Simulation Book

This book presents 100 solved Chemical Engineering problems,
demonstrating the application of AVEVA simulation software. It serves
 as a valuable resource for students interested in learning simulation
tools and exploring the core subjects of Chemical Engineering in a
disruptive manner. Again, I co-authored this book in my first year of bachelors.

I'm the Change!

Books are artistic documentaries that require critical thinking, creative writing,
 and an expressive heart. “I’m the CHANGE- A Revolutionary’s Handbook”
tells the transformative journey of a 19-year-old girl who became her
best self in just 18 months, encapsulating her skills, strengths, and
personal growth.
Click here to see how my book is creating an impact.

Re-imagining Life: Thop Life Model

Architects of TLM

We have divided whole life into 4 Interesting Phases and co-related them with 4 Fundamental Elements of Nature, Fire, Water, Toofan and Earth. It is interesting because we related it with the 14 years concept of the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata where they went out of the kingdom into forests for 14 Years. if you give 14 years to anything, you can be a different Version of you. May be 14 Number is Magical and that is why we have divided our life into Different Phases each with 14 Years of duration where you are given the freedom and flexibility to completely reconstruct your life and live many lives in a single life.

We feel we need a change in the way we live our life. We feel we shall realize the meaning of life.
Due to this phasing method one will get space and time for each thing in his life to experience and
go through
 or else we would be so worried to have everything now and in the rush we may miss the magic of life.
Get recent updates of how we’re designing and leading our lives on our
Instagram page.

Other versions of me

Thought leader

From being class leader in school to evolving into a matured leader now, I has been experienced an exponential growth curve. Not only being a thought leader at Thop Verse. But being the leader of my life, taking responsibility of my success as well as happiness, always being there for my teammates and friends, and leading the team, I have been unfolding new layers of leadership every year.

Get a sneak-peek into my imagination through my art. I see this world with my artistic lens. I believe a leader should always have a creative and imaginative mindset to look for the opportunities in this world full of so called “problems”. Communicating better and making people understand your thoughts is an art. My unique lens and vision is what the world is in need right now. Now head on to have a look at this visual feast… Quick!

Artist Deepthi

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