
Schedule on the fly

Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

Save everything to dropbox

Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

Take notes and reminders

consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque mauris, porta id arcu ac, sagittis auctor ante.

Take control over messages

blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor commodo.

brief about karun kumar

Karun Kumar Vanaparthi is a highly motivated, agreeable and diligent person. Karun is very energetic and interested to explore new ideas. He is very smart and a studious student who got eligibility for a Scholarship offered by government of Telegana based of intermediate merit. He has been participating punctually in Thop talks and English learning sessions organized by E-Cell. He has also organized several english learning sessions. Recently, he achieved many things: Co-author for the book – “Financial independence by the age of 30” and organizing the Thop talks (Like -Interactive session with Miss Teen Colorado – Yasaswini Uppalapati). He is currently working as an intern in Grow Smart and he also a Part of  the YES+ course. As an intern in Grow Smart he is learning Adobe Aftereffects. As a member of Money Club in E-Eell, he presented his ideas for starting  our own bank. Karun is also a part of Python Learning where he reconstructed Several python programs such as snack game, rock paper scissor games using python and he still working on many other programs. He also learnt C language and reconstructed basic projects like creating virtual clock, printing a bill in a store . He participated in the Youth empowerment session workshop under YES +. Karun learned MATLAB also and got certified in it. During COVID-19 lockdown, he enrolled to “Knock Down the Lock Down” Course, completed the course and got certified as a person with good soft skills such as resume writing, corporate etiquette and so on by TCS. He is very generous and he has a good heart. He is doing social service to people as he was awarded for doing providing meals in the thalassemia awareness program conducted by a charitable trust named ‘Helping Hands’. Karun is a an Intelligent, smart, energetic, helpful person and there are so many hidden qualities present in him. He also a Community Influencer certified by He cooks a variety of delicious sweets. E-Cell is proud to have person like Karun and we wish him well for his bright future.




Ecell Clubs


Currently Writing a book on “Financial Independence”. This book is all about how an young mind can make money through several means and become financially independent with in the least time the he can.

ENGLISH Learning Classes

I am an attendee of the English class conducted by a community from several colleges so as to polish my speaking and writing skills.



Reconstructed several python programmes such as snake game, rock paper scissor games  and soon using python.


Had experience in making videos professionally and as a team work. Edited videos for events organized under THOP TALKS, Ecell.


Reconstructed Several python programmes such as snack game, rock paper scissor games and soon using python.

other interests (COOKERY)