Vijay Thadimalla

Vijay is a Fourth Year Chemical Engineering Student. Vijay is a person driven by values. I never seen him lying to anyone nor talking uselessly. Vijay makes value based friendships and he is a good decision maker. His matured thought process always amazes me. In his area of interest, he will always be ready to learn new editing soft wares and always tries to upgrade himself. He is very good at money management and maintenance. He is very polite in talking towards anyone and respects everyone. He never tells bad about someone in their absence. He stands on the word he gives and is very good at time management. He wants to see himself in a job that excites him everyday and makes him learn everyday and want to become financially settled very soon. I never met a guy like Vijay in my life. He speaks very less, but every word that comes out from will have value. That is why everyone values him as a good friend. He has been attending all the thop talks since he joined. He is now managing our Thop Ecell You Tube Channel. All the thop Talk Videos gets posted within 24 hours in the You Tube. Being a fourth Year student, he manages everything which inspires everyone of us. We wish Good luck for our Vijay for his bright future. 



This Dynamic video was directed by Vijay. Vijay participated in one of the competitions and took out this beautiful video regarding Women empowerment.